Apartment in Vinohrady

Collarch Interior




Place: Prague, CZ
Type: complete interior reconstruction
Size: GIFA + balcony: 67 m2
Client: private
Team: COLLARCH - Ondřej Janků, Veronika Kommová, Shota Tsikoliya


The apartment in a historic area in Vinohrady, Prague, underwent a complete and thorough renovation including new floors, stylish heating elements, underfloor heating and electricity distribution. Furthermore, the kitchen was relocated and the bathroom space was enlarged.

Since this was an intervention in a historic building, as always, we were looking for valuable traces of the past that would be worth preserving and that we could build on with our current, slightly experimental approach.


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
View to the corridor; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
View to the bedroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková


Each room of the interior has its own specific material and color palette — its own unique spirit.

The entrance hall, which is dominated by the original vaulted passage in the load-bearing wall that runs through the apartment, has been artistically patinated in shades of beige and gray. The geometry of the hall has been refined by rounding the edges of some masonry elements. The new floor with underfloor heating was completed with a single-colored floor screed. A distinctive element of the entrance hall is the built-in wooden furniture with visible parts made of patinated aluminum sheets.

The dark-gray patinated metal from the floor to the ceiling imparts a sense of seriousness and nobility to the hall. In addition to practical storage space, the aluminum sheets also hide a discreet entrance to the bathroom, a new electrical switchboard, a new boiler, and a hot water tank.

The bedroom walls and ceiling have had their plaster removed. Small cracks and irregularities were repaired locally but the surfaces have been left unplastered so that they retain their unmistakable color and texture. In combination with coarse curtains, wooden furniture, and a new oak parquet floor, they create a cozy atmosphere and give the bedroom a calm, almost rural character.


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Interior detail; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Interior detail; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Interior detail; Photo: Karolína Matušková


Collarch Before Reconstruction
Metal furniture detail, Photo: Karolína Matušková


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom detail; Photo: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom detail; Photo: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom detail; Photo: COLLARCH


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bathroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
toilet; Photo: Karolína Matušková


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bathroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bathroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bathroom; Photo: Karolína Matušková


The bathroom and toilet are unified by a brick-pink washable screed. While the screed in the toilet only reaches up to the height of the window sill, in the bathroom, it covers all brick surfaces including the floor. These surfaces are then complemented by furnishings and furniture in a combination of black and white. A sliding glass wall separates the shower and bath area from the entrance with the sink, washing machine, and storage space. Black, white, and pink is accented in the bathroom with a solid oak shelf and an oak door in a matte clear finish.

All the original entrance and interior paneled doors, along with the beautiful casement windows, have been renovated in the apartment and included into our design.

The design of the living room along with the kitchen, which, among other things, included a lockable kitchen unit and a furniture wall with acoustic absorption treatment, has not yet been fully realized at the investor's request. Only the brick surfaces were renovated and new electrical, water, and drainage systems were installed. New oak parquet floors were laid. The design of the living room along with the dining area and the kitchen is currently being presented in the form of visualizations.

Similarly, the walk-in lockable closet in the bedroom remains only on paper and in visualizations for the time being.


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Metal furniture detail; Photo: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Metal sheets with clothes hooks; photo: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
Bathroom shelves; photo: COLLARCH


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
living room with closable kitchen, Visualization: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
living room with closable kitchen, Visualization: COLLARCH


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
living room with built-in furniture wall, Visualization: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
living room with built-in furniture wall, Visualization: COLLARCH


Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom with walk-in closet, Visualization: COLLARCH
Collarch Interior Reconstruction
bedroom with walk-in closet, Visualization: COLLARCH


COLLARCH After Reconstruction
Floor plan - After reconstruction: 

1 - entrance area 4,2m2, 2 - hallway 7,3m2, 3 - bathroom 5,4m2, 4 - bedroom 15,3m2, 5 - living & dining room with kitchen 31,8m2,
6 - storage 1,4m2, 7 - toilet 1,2m2, 8 - balcony 1,6m2


Collarch Before Reconstruction
Floor plan - original



Collarch Before Reconstruction
Metal sheets detail with clothes hooks, Photo: COLLARCH